Upcoming Saturdays are December 21st, January 4th & 18th, February 1st & 15th from 8AM to 11AM.
Recycling is closed at Noon on Tuesday, December 24 for Christmas Eve; closed ALL Day on Wednesday, December 25 for Christmas Day; and closed ALL Day on Wednesday, January 1 for New Years Day.
Closed: January 20 for MLK Day.
If the Courthouse is closed due to weather, recycling will be closed also.
Please see the county website at www.putnamcountyohio.gov if they are closed or see our Facebook page.
The Ottawa Recycle Center hours are Mon. thru Fri. 9-5 & open the 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month, but closed on holidays and for Roads Level 3.
Recycling has started up the DRIVE THRU recycling since Monday, July 17, 2023. The hours will remain the same, Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and the 1st & 3rd Saturdays 8-11am. You will continue to use the drive closest to the railroad tracks, across from Car-e-its back parking lot. Stay to the right and drive all the way to the last building. You will be using the very last big overhead door in the last building to pull into. Please wait for an attendant to direct you and help you. You will then exit to the right. Please be patient and bear with us for this new work in process. Thank you from the Putnam County Solid Waste District, Putnam County Commissioners Office and especially from the Recycling Employees out there!